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Alex Valickis


About Me

Hi there! I'm Alex Valickis, a passionate game designer. My mission is to create games that are fun and engaging for players. I have a passion for making games as well as playing them, and I also enjoy playing sports and being part of a team. I'm friendly and a great communicator, so I'm always looking for fellow developers to collaborate with. I'm dedicated to creating well designed games and I'm constantly learning new techniques to bring my ideas to life.

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BA (HONS) Game Design from Sheridan College 

DIP Computer Programmer Analyst from Georgian College


Game Engines: Unity Engine, Unreal Engine
Programming Languages: C#, Blueprint
Design Tools: Excellent documentation skills, Paper Prototyping, In Engine Prototyping, Greyboxing
VR Experience: Prototyping and implementation in VR environments

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